Thursday, July 16, 2009


hehe^^ grade 7/8 love it<3
How do i start this (:
kaaay this boy matthew botelho aka banana :) is my bestieee for life.
I've known this kid for about 14 years now!:D
anyways i just wanted to write a little blog to show how much this kid means to me (:
people always ask "your bestfraaan is a boy?" umh yeah!.. they look @ me like i just shot someone jeeze peoplee these days.
Me and my biff have been through so much together SO MUCH! from good to bad things :)
ahah from fighting over mini sticks to fighting with really close friends :( even through all that we are still as tight as the jo bros pants.
I told him a few days ago i think we get along so well because we balance eachother out aha this kid is the smartest kid i know freaking 97 average!? i can't even pass grade 10 applied math lmfaao!.
when we were kids i would climb over our fence dividing our houses like a olimpian & he had the girliest screaam it would put the hairs on your eyebrows stick up for 3 days lmfaoo i think when growing up together we tought eachother to be our fucking gender LMFAAAAAAAAAO!
yeeep we grew up way tooooo fast! i miss the old times :(
Making haunted mazes with your vavo's sofa & getting 3rd degree rug burn on our knees & elbows but not only that when you caught me you wouldn't just tap me you would pull some WWE shit on mee FML (L)(L)
ohoh also our opstical courses lmfaao obv i'm a bitch and spill pencils on one of the tables & dont clean them & to show how stupid we are we do it in the dark & of course i don't say anything and you leap onto that desk and land directly on the pencil and flip in the air & your neck snapped back on the floor L M F A O O O & you screamed so loud & your vavo bitched in your face LOVEEE LIFEEEE
hmm what else?
Doing our fifa world cups with fatass,skinny,korean LMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOO
sprint from henly jump off my veranda sprint through the woods where your vavos dirty compost was with rats infesting it climb your deck sprint down the stairs & run to the gate open it and run down henly & tag micheal then you lmfaaao & we would screaam because we always won i wonder why lmfaaooo! we were cute kids lmfaaao!
LMFAAO how about when me and you & mikey were playing tag in the dark & i hid in the samara closet & you scared the shit out of me because you said you knew were i was and started sprinting down the hall and i opened the door just in the nic of time to smash the door right down the middle of your faccceee LMFAAOO that was your fault LMFAAAAO! :)
OMGOMGOMGOMG & our sounds! LMFAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOVEEEE LIFEEEEEE shiit that computer with no internet was our LIFEEEEEE omgg ms dasousa sounds lmfaoo
"SNAKE" LAWL (L) i feel bad for the little boy who has it now lmfaooo
ohoh & the arthur gameee mikeeey was a prooo!
this was my faav game the aninmal dodgeball lmfaao making forts with though itchy lamb sofaa pillow thingys & getting all your stuffed animals & we would always put michael in the middle & you wipped that sqweeky frog lmfaao pooor mikeey! :(
oh what about your bald dollie! lmfao prentice LMFAO OR SOMETHING LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CANT BELIEVE i rememberd that shit lmfaoo!
oh how about price is right!? waking up 7 am just to prepare for that show make signs and shit & laugh @ the fat people running dowwwn lmfaaao! mmmm with masa and montaga mmmm<3
ahah chillie there are to maaaany but my faaav mem was hands down the pasta bowls after working up a sweat downstairs we would look forward to lunch to see who got the best veggie @ the bottom of the bowl hmm lemme think .. tomatoes were your a fat ass! the lettuce was your face is green for life & the plums or w.e was your normal lmfaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooo omggggg i miss those childhood dayssss :D
well anyways getting to the point your my bestie for lifeeeeeee there is nothing i won't tell you & you know that sometimes it's a little to much ahaha ! but i'm telling you right now when your about to marry your wife i'm gonna stand up and disapprove if i don't like her lmfaaao & you know i will! buttt you can do the same for meeeeeeee
i love you soo muccch bifff 4 everrrrr!
so much more mems to come ahah

Countdown (:

Well this blog is kinda just for me to remember dates of up coming events (:

*other half arrives (: <3 11 more days

*katy perry concert w. biff nits front row yeye <3 10 more days

some facts about the one & only (:

faaaacts. (:
okkiie here i go.

#1.when eating.. i have to be eating the opposite texture of what i'm originally eating for example. If i'm eating something soft i needa be eating something crunchy or if i'm eating something hot i needa be eating or drinking something cold effing weird i know... :| hot soup with ice cold water a must! or a pb&j sandwhich with carrots or and apples! this is soo random but i have to do this or i won't enjoy my meal ahah (:

#2.I NEVER EVER go upstairs in the dark @ night! I open all the lights even if my family is sleeping tooo bad i'm not gonna realize there's a little girl in a white dress that was following me upstairs the whole time untill i open my room light and she's already waiting for me on my bed ahah (: i have a great imagenation...

#3 I will not eat meat if it isnt cooked to the crisp if i see a spec of blood or redness in my meat i will make a fussss .. bad experience :)

#4 I hate cheesecake with a passion no one puts cheese in a cake. my mommadukes always makes it because my family members love it but i refuse to eat it even though my mom "makes the best cheesecake" i won't dare to try it.

#5 I am very organized when it comes to things i treasure lmfao. likeee my make-up if you could see baskets and little stand full of make-up you would faint yeaaah 32 mascaras yeaaah love it (:

#6 i LOVE to-do-lists

#7 the thing i love most about mee are my eyelashes! i loveee them they are suppper dupper long and people would die for them (from what i hear)buuut it gets kinda anoying when people have to feel them to make sure their real for example.. @ the dentist.. THE DENTIST for crying out load after my dentist told me i have the smallest mouth in history ..bitch of course the russian girl who just finnished slaughtering my gums open gets up and gives me a little floss kit & w.e (yeaah i'm gonna run home and floss my teeth) comes up and says to me "are you wearing fake eyelashes" with the dirtiest look... in my head i was like "yes i came to the dentist with fake eyelashes to impress my asian dentist who trys to speak portuguese to me." i told "noo. these are mine.." of course shes trying to convince me that i slept walk to shoppers bought fake eyelashes and put them on for the asian" soo after 3 mins are trying to convince her she asked me " can i feel them" wow... pedddddi. but if it will shut her up WHY NOT (: soo i'm expecting her to stroke them you know? err wrong she yaaaanks them like WHAT ARE YOU DOING YANKING MY PRECIOUS EYELASHES! but then she shut up so it was all good stupidd peopleee :@ (:

more tooo comee trust me (: <3

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pet Peeeeeeves ugh.

Ookay well... i kinda have a bunch.
#1. le jonas brothers wooow i <3>#2.Body Haaaair on guys ewewewwww. i have two options! find a gay boyfriend or a blondiee (:
#3. chapped lips ahhh. Okay when you can fit toonies between them.. they areee chapped to the maaax.
#4. People who find a boyfriend RANDOMLY! and just kick you out of their life completely ahah bitches i know a few.
#5. kanye west glasses LMFAO. okay it's okay if you have them on display in your room or w.e but when you wear them 2 the MALL IN PUBLIC. lemme tell you how stuuupid you look lawwwl makes my dayyy.
#6. okaay when guys think by speeding up or honking at me and my friends @ night or w.e is sucha a clever idea but when i look to see the guys in the car it's just ONE loser cruuuzer.
#7. crocs
with socks. nnonon they aren't bad enough just by themselves! you gotta add the socks.. total count @ wonderland 156 crocs dirtyyyy.
#8. juicy ass's on guys unless your joeyy!<3 but if you have a bigger ass then me hit the treddd (: ahah i'ma bitcch
#9. LOUD PEOPLE THAT CATCH YOU ON A BADD DAY (: wooow i wanna kill youu <3>#10. Dirty looks. Girls... this is why i hate you because you look like you just got shit launched @ your face when you give dirty looks. ahah aint pretty & find a reason to give dirty looks before giving them.
#11. little teenie boppers that are @ the movies & it's the first time their all alone & they think their the shiit b/c they got the back seats because they came in 3 days before the movie even started smart lil effers.... & have truck loads of candy and popcorn and all kinds of bs i wish i had with them & yess of course i have to plant my buttttt right infront of them soo i'm waiting for the movie to start & they start laughing and talking shit about me and think their the shit because they have 195 krazor phones from 1950 and pretend to call their friends and tell them they missed out blah blah blah. & to top the night off you start talking during the whole movie and chuck your candy that you don't eat b/c your 45 pounds @ my head wooow love lifeee i really don't know how many tennie beenies i told off.. ahah then i get bitched @ by the moms that are sitting two seats down b/c they lied 2 the poor little girls that missed out.. naah they were just embarrassed about having their mommies sit beside themm.. ahahah :D

moreeeeee toooo come trust meee :)